March 8, 2010

The Hurt Locker and Kathryn - 2010

The Hurt Locker and Kathryn - 2010
Words by Dirk Calloway

Well, the Oscars happened. A bunch of people were celebrated for having created celebrated films. A bunch of others got to come because they were famous. Though the best moments of many people's lives were shared tonight, I was at work. Forgot all about the Academy and forgot to thank my Mum (for dinner last night. Roast, yum.)

Now that I'm home, I realise that a bunch of history was made. I guess, for one, I have to shout-out for Mrs Bigelow, who was awarded Best Director for a film that has yet to be released in New Zealand - The Hurt Locker. I've seen it, it's good. Very good. Bigelow has had an amazing career, and her Oscar guarantees she'll be in the history books as the first female director to ever take home a Best Director nod. Amazing. For me, dedicated movie buff that I am, this is almost as important as a woman getting elected President of the USA. That day is yet to come, but definitely this is a promising sign of things to come. Go females! You're one of my top two favourite genders.

Bigelow has made brilliant movies since the 80s. Near Dark is the best of the modern vampire films (Twilight be damned, this film is like "Aliens meets Vampires"). K-19: The Widowmaker is the greatest Harrison Ford effort in decades and, if you're curious, it is also my favourite:
  • Submarine film
  • Liam Neeson character, this side of Schindler's list
  • Depiction of radiation sickness
  • Russian-US tension film

Then of course, there's Point Break. Given the passing of Patrick Swayze this year, and Hot Fuzz's references to its foot-chases, the film has taken on a timeless quality. It's the film that made Keanu Reeves the actor he is today, and it brought a documentary feel to the modern-day action film many years before the Bourne franchise trademarked the concept.

The Hurt Locker is a different kettle of fish. You feel on-edge the entire time. It's like watching a movie version of an Expert game of Minesweeper. You know, when you get to that last mine, and it's surrounded by 5's and 6's? That intense feeling of adrenalin, pumping, pulsing, telling you that one wrong move results in a big BOOM? That's The Hurt Locker. Relentless tension, followed-through with such a fist-pumping payoff that I rate it right up there with the ending of The Matrix. Just a bad-ass movie. I'm so stoked it won Best Picture and Best Director. Awesome.

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